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Saturday, August 6, 2011

British People in American Movies

So I just watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes and noticed that Tom Felton was in it. But another thing I noticed was that he didn't have very many lines. I actually thought his American English was pretty good. I guess the directors didn't.

 So alongside not having many lines, but getting a fair amount of screen time, he was also a villain. I'd hate to hope he's been officially typecast as a "Hollywood bad guy".

Another British actor who was recently in an American film is Daniel Craig in Cowboys and Aliens. He was pretty good in it. Plus I thought his American English was good too! But they didn't let him speak! He barely had any lines and he was the STAR of the movie. WTF!!! Daniel Craig is actually a pretty amazing actor, I really enjoyed Munich and his James Bond stuff.

So basically I'm thinking either the Directors are not giving the actors any respect OR their parts just didn't have much dialogue in the script. (I'm hoping the latter, but it's probably the former)

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