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Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Food Pics

Okay since I love food so much and was rummaging through my phone to find pics of food, here we have it!

First off, a pic of this great steak from a place around where I live in San Ramon, CA. This Steak was so great! The cheese potatoes were probably the best I've ever had before.And the garlic spinach was actually quite good too! Great steak place. I usually go here whenever I go home to visit the folks.

 Secondly we have this Korean chicken skillet with added potatoes/kimchi/hot sauce/rice cake.

It was so good! This place was so bomb. Also, their hidden ingredient was CHEESE. YUMMMM

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Little Havana

So I ate some Cuban Food while I was in New York.

Some pulled pork with rice and lemon Yummm!

And here, their specialty- corn on the cob with cheese and other spices. AWESOME

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Aight, finally uploading a pic of the world famous SHAKE SHACK. I came here in NY on the suggestion of my buddy Albert! Right now its my favorite burger. Their fries were excellent too. Great overall experience.

Friday, August 12, 2011

New York

So I've been here in NY for a couple days and its pretty cool here. A lot of walking/ subway. The public transportation is great here. A lot of people all the time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Wow we been sitting here waiting on the plane for 2 hours. As u can see.

Flying to New York

I'm at LAX airport right now waiting for my flight to New York. I'm flying United and wow are they sucking. Their computers have been 9 HOURS. Wtf??? This is not starting to be a great vacation. Its not a huge deal though because nobody is picking me up, I'm taking the subway.

ALSO I saw Keyshawn Johnson! I'm pretty sure its him, I can tell he's 6'4 and was in great shape b4. But yeah he was wearing a Yankee cap and always looking down to cover his face.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Macaulay Culkin

So I'm watching Home Alone right now on TV. Macaulay Culkin was such a cute little kid. Then I remember hearing he dated Mila Kunis for years!

Man how did he get so lucky? I'm pretty sure he's still collecting royalty checks from Home Alone and Home Alone 2. Rich ass

British People in American Movies

So I just watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes and noticed that Tom Felton was in it. But another thing I noticed was that he didn't have very many lines. I actually thought his American English was pretty good. I guess the directors didn't.

 So alongside not having many lines, but getting a fair amount of screen time, he was also a villain. I'd hate to hope he's been officially typecast as a "Hollywood bad guy".

Another British actor who was recently in an American film is Daniel Craig in Cowboys and Aliens. He was pretty good in it. Plus I thought his American English was good too! But they didn't let him speak! He barely had any lines and he was the STAR of the movie. WTF!!! Daniel Craig is actually a pretty amazing actor, I really enjoyed Munich and his James Bond stuff.

So basically I'm thinking either the Directors are not giving the actors any respect OR their parts just didn't have much dialogue in the script. (I'm hoping the latter, but it's probably the former)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yessss I just got a quad of Dodgers Tickets for Monday's game!! Awesome!! I love my job :)

Favorite Movies

So I decided to update my profile today and it asked me what were my favorite movies. I immediately thought of my 5 favorite movies:
-The Dark Knight
-Reservoir Dogs
-Pulp Fiction
-Usual Suspects
I think my favorite is probably The Usual Suspects

All great movies. I am truly a fan of Quintin Tarentino. He is so good. I really admire his movies. I also really liked Inglorious Basterds. Such a great movie too!


Fantasy Football

I am so ready for Fantasty Football this season. Hopefully I can draft the good players. I am going to need to conduct a new system on how to draft players this season.


Thought I'd start blogging because I saw a friend's blog and decided to try it on my own. It should be fun.